You microsoft windows license
You microsoft windows license

you microsoft windows license

You agree that you are solely responsible for and have the authority to import data from these third party data sources. Your agreements with any of these third party data source providers is solely between you and the applicable third party data source providers and may be governed by other terms of use or agreements that apply to such third party sources. The software lets you connect to various third party data sources. You are solely responsible for any network operator charges.Ĥ.

you microsoft windows license

You may incur charges related to Internet access, data transfer and other services per the terms of the data service plan and any other agreement you have with your network operator due to use of the software. If you wish to use these media elements or templates for any other purpose, go to to learn whether that use is allowed.ģ.

you microsoft windows license

You may distribute those documents and projects non-commercially. You may copy and use images, clip art, animations, sounds, music, shapes, video clips and templates provided with the software and identified for such use in documents and projects that you create. ADDITIONAL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS AND/OR USE RIGHTS.Ī. Notices, if any, for any third party code are included for your information only.Ģ. The software includes third party code, that Microsoft, not the third party, licenses to you under the terms set forth in this agreement.

#You microsoft windows license install#

You may install and use any number of copies of the software on your Windows devices.ī. If you comply with these license terms, you have the perpetual rights below.Ī.

You microsoft windows license